Three years ago on October 21, 2010, we welcomed our precious baby boy into this world. We had no idea all the joy, laughter and lack of sleep that was ahead of us. I know I sound like a broken record, but I really cannot believe he is three.
Hudson, you have grown to be a tall, handsome little boy who is smart, witty, funny, creative and very caring...we couldn't be more proud!
To celebrate Hudson's third birthday, we invited about 20 of our dearest friends and family. Because his birthday happens to be on OSU's homecoming weekend every year, it makes it rather difficult to find a venue. This year proved to be just as difficult, so we decided to pack into our apartment and celebrate that way. Thomas the train tracks, balloons and cake, Thomas the train EVERYTHING! Unfortunately, I caught a stomach bug and had to miss half of the party. Luckily, your daddy, and others guests, stepped up to make sure you had a fantastic second half...and you did!!

I love making his party invitations each year, especially this year's!
Really excited for his party to start!
The boys enjoying the beautiful day with their Papa.
Blowing out the candles with all his might!
The Thomas rain boots were a hit.
Checking out his new shark "piggy" bank.
Thomas rain coat.
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