Your Great-Great-Grandpa, George Bruce Ensey, was born September 3, 1925 and would've turned 89 this year. He was a wonderful man, WWII veteran and loved your Great-Great-Grandma Helen with all of his heart. He went to Heaven on June 21, 2014.
I want you to know what a blessed little boy you are. Not many people have the priviledge of knowing their great-great-grandparents. You had 3 1/2 years with him and although you are still little and probably won't remember, I promise, he loved you very much.
Two weeks before your Great-Great-Grandpa George went to be in Heaven you and I took the day off and spent several hours at the hospital with him. That was one of the greatest decisions I've made. When we arrived, it was just the three of us. You sat on his bed and talked all about your new puppy, Jess. He agreed that every little boy should grow up with a dog of their own and he was very happy for you. He told us both about what he'd been watching on TV, his hospital stay and how he wanted us to "break him outta there." We laughed some, I cried some, but it is a day I'll always remember.
It wasn't until the celebration of his life that I heard one of the most meaningful stories that I had ever heard about him.When all the great-grandkids were little we would often wonder about some of the quirky Christmas and Birthdays gifts that we would receive from your Great-Great-Grandpa George. Rabbit's feet, silver dollars and pocket knives just to name a few. The story I never knew was that he was on his way home from a job one evening when he saw a terrible car accident. The car was engulfed in flames and a little girl sat on the side of the road crying while emergency responders tried to console her. That next morning he read a story in the paper about the accident and learned that the mother of the girl had been trapped inside the car, couldn't get her seatbelt loose and died at the scene. He wanted each of us to have a pocket knife at all times in case we were ever in a similar situation and a silver dollar for good luck.
I hope that you will spend time with all of your grandparents and listen to their stories. Someday you will be so thankful for those relationships and memories.