Unfortunately I told Hudson we were going to see Thomas about five weeks in advance and had to deal with his disappointment every day for that five weeks until finally, it was THE DAY!
He started the day off by getting dressed in just about everything Thomas the Train he could find. Not joking folks; Thomas underwear, socks, shirt, backpack and even his Thomas hat (which he later decided was just a little too much Thomas for even him).
Nothing but pure excitement on his face as we left the house.
We arrived at the OKC Railway Museum and it became apparent that this was definitely going to be the best day of his entire three-year-old life.
He was overwhelmed by all of the Thomas activities and by Thomas the train himself, that he was left completely speechless. His favorite part was defintely getting his picture taken with Thomas and getting to ride him.
Overall, it was the perfect day and the best birthday present we could've given him!